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Our unique mentoring program is almost entirely funded through private philanthropy with 99% of our support coming from individual, foundation and corporate gifts. Only 1% of our funding comes from a federal grant secured through our national organization.
We provide a variety of safe, convenient ways to make an investment in the youth we serve.
Make a gift today using our secure online donation form or mail a check to PO Box 61882 Vancouver, WA 98666. You may also choose to invest with an electronic fund transfer, appreciated stock or a distribution from your IRA or donor advised fund. Please use EIN 85-1261131 in your payment instructions.
We also have convenient payment options for one-time gifts, monthly, annual or multi-year commitments. If you have any questions, please call us at 360-207-4352 and leave a voicemail. We will return your call promptly.
Thank you for investing in the life of a child in our community.
Together, we can change lives.
Together, we change lives.